Monday, September 17, 2007

Alone, At Last

Dokken is gone in Taiwan until Wednesday. And I have to admit, as much as I love my husband, I am thrilled to have some time to myself.

Tonight I got home, made myself a tasty little sandwich and ate some crackers (which I did NOT eat over the sink, thank you), took a muscle relaxer for my neck, cruised craiglist a bit, and now here I am.

My plan for the evening is to gorge myself on all the design websites that I love and shop for a bunch of crap I really don't need.

The best part is the TV. Dokken hates, absolutely HATES all the crappy TV I love. Do I want to watch "The 750 Pound Man" on TLC? How about the conjoined twins show? "Mystery Diagnosis" is also on, which I love because I like to try guessing what's wrong with the person before they tell you. Answer: "The 750 Pound Man" won out. We're 5 minutes in and he's already demanding a hamburger from the facility he's been moved to. Stay tuned!


Blogger Betagal said...

*Update--the poor 750 lb man died of sepsis and I bought the stripey pants.

8:50 AM  
Blogger Nirmala Basnayake said...

Ah! but those shoes! THOSE SHOES! They're amazing and make me think that the exchange rate has improved at just the right time. Even with shipping charges, the shoes would still be cheaper through Zappo's than at any store in this town.



(ha ha just kidding about that last one, dear husband on your birthday and all)

12:52 PM  
Blogger Betagal said...

Augh! PF's bday! I meant to email and completely forgot. Wish your boy a happy happy bday for me, I am a loser.

p.s. The shoes *are* awesome, aren't they?

7:15 PM  

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